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PREA acts to awaken the critical and scientific awareness of society on issues involving the human-society-nature interrelationship

In October 2016, during our surveys we met Sônia Penna, a pedagogue school director, of many schools in Nova Friburgo, who quickly became the C. aurita godmother and presented the C. aurita issue to the city councilor Professor Pierre.

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This conference on Agenda 21 brought many important people to participate in the Project which became the a local team to promote the conservation of the C. aurita in the region: Aniceto José, who is sponsor, volunteer and partner on the development of environmental education games; Bruno Felice who made trails and much collaborated with the project, and Alberto Iezze photographer graphic design; Rafael Bucharel the artist of the first comic book for the C. aurita.


In November 2016, Sonia promotes a meeting with the President of Agenda 21 where Alessandro Antunes and Rodrigo Carvalho (PREA) speak to various representatives of civil society in Nova Friburgo including the Environment Secretary Alexandre Sanglar.

In March 2017 Pierre and the PREA team presented a law proposal to the city council.

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Interviews in Radio, TV and newspapers begin to be spread the idea that the city of Nova Friburgo can help save a species threatened with extinction


(Article written by Rodrigo de Carvalho and published in the Jornal Século XXI).

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Meeting with the local community and local associations in Lumiar to talk about the C. aurita Conservation Project and the plans to create a municipal reserve there.

On the 23th August of 2017 the city of Nova Friburgo, located on top of the Atlantic Forest mountain chain of the Rio de Janeiro State, declared the Callithrix aurita as a biodiversity heritage and emblem of the city.


In July 2018 Dominic Wormell from Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and Rodrigo Carvalho are invited to be at the Nova Friburgo City Hall to talk about the C. aurita Conservation Project, about the importance to create a Municipal Reserve for them in the region and to thanks to their decision to decree the 

C. aurita as a heritage and emblem of the city.

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aurita reserve project in Lumiar (nova friburgo)

aurita reserve project in Lumiar (nova friburgo)


© PREA  2018

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