NETWORK OF NATIVE SEEDS OF MINAS GERAIS was a PREA project in partnership with The Nature Conservancy - TNC.

We worked to create a network of native seed collectors aiming at the reforestation of degraded areas and the generation of family income for small landowners.

Between 2009 and 2012, training courses were held for collectors to learn about identification and selection of seed matrices and collection, preparation and storage of seeds to be properly directed to nurseries involved in reforestation.
Groups of seed collectors, distributed throughout 6 municipalities in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais (namely, Fervedouro, Além Paraíba, Goianá, Torreões, Juiz de Fora and Baependi), were formed through the support of rural local partners such as Emater and Embrapa.

As a result of this training, expert seed collectors were able to collect 130 Kg of viable native seeds collected from 26 different species of trees.

This amount were distributed to the NGO AMA-JF and its partners involved in the Atlantic Forest recovery. Find NGO AMA-JF on FACEBOOK
The logo and the publicity folder were used in all the events which made the project highly recognisable to the general public.